3 Lesser-Known Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment

There are a host of benefits that come along with pursuing chiropractic treatments that many folks out there are not aware of. Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center would like to go over some of the lesser-known benefits of chiropractic care.

Improves Digestion

Your gastrointestinal tract is crucial to the digestion and absorption of nutrients. Spine misalignment can put pressure on the digestive nerves. Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to aid and improve the digestive system.

Headache Relief

Tension in the neck can certainly lead to headaches. Chiropractic adjustments have also been shown to reduce or completely relieve certain types of headaches that occur due to misalignment.

Improved Immune System

Those who undergo chiropractic treatments have been shown to get sick less often than those who don’t use chiropractic treatments in their wellness routines.

When the body and brain are firing on all cylinders, which is what chiropractic aims to accomplish, you’ll be feeling a new level of wellness. Contact Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center to schedule your consultation.

When is the Best Time to See the Chiropractor?

You may have wondered when is the appropriate time to see a chiropractor. Maybe you’re like many people who assume the chiropractor is only someone to see if you’ve experienced an injury or you’re in pain of some sort. Truth be told, there are many occasions when it’s a good idea to see a chiropractor, which Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center will go over below.

When You’re Living an Active Lifestyle

Many athletes, MMA fighters, runners, and numerous other groups who engage in sport or strenuous activity benefit tremendously from chiropractic treatments which correct any misalignments and imbalances, not to mention provides drug-free pain relief.

When Your Life Seems a Little Hectic

Chiropractic treatments have been shown to treat anxiety, depression, and other conditions that affect our well-being. Your brain and your body will be firing on all cylinders after a visit with the chiropractor.

When Your Body is Changing

If you’re pregnant, a teen in their adolescent years and even a person advancing in age and experiencing changes with your body, chiropractic care is a viable and effective solution to help you through transitional periods.

If you have any additional questions about how chiropractic treatments can benefit you, contact Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center to schedule your consultation today.

5 Lifehacks to Boost Your Longevity


As we begin to understand more and more about the human body and its reactions to certain lifestyles and environments, more and more of us are acquiring an interest in learning new ways to live healthier, happier, and longer lives.

Read our tips below that will help you maximize and optimize your life.

1.) Sleep Better

Sleep at the same time every day if you’re able. Sleep for 7 hours at least, that way your body and brain can regenerate and detoxify itself.

2.) Cut Sugars and Processed Carbohydrates

Try to cut sugars and carbs from your diet. Instead of fruit smoothies, opt for veggie smoothies — they’re far healthier. Shop on the peripherals of the grocery store for clean, whole foods that will make you feel amazing.

3.) Push Yourself

We all have stores of energy we fail to utilize every day, which shows up as anxiety for many of us. Exercising to exertion releases healthy endorphins and you’ll achieve more restful sleep as a result of pushing yourself.

4.) Join a Community

Isolation is the silent killer that plagues our modern society. Instead of connecting in a chat room, join a class or some sort of community in real life, at the local level. You’ll watch your spirit and outlook improve. It will help you live a longer, healthier life as well.

5.) Visit Your Chiropractor in Ramsey, NJ

Visiting your chiropractor is great for your body and mind and is connected to all sorts of health benefits that improve your body’s functionality, boost cognitive function, and reduce your chances of getting a number of diseases and illnesses. Contact Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center today to schedule your consultation!

3 Tips for Building a Healthy, Holistic Lifestyle


As many people have begun to take interest in the pursuit of all-natural remedies for the stresses and damages caused by daily wear and tear it’s more important than ever to make sure your time, energy, and resources are spent wisely.

Keep reading for a few ways to start engaging in more healthy and more holisitc practices in your daily life to experience new levels of wellness.

1.) Exercise Intelligently

Make sure that your exercise is done outdoors when possible to maximize health benefits. Do make sure that you protect yourself from the sun, of course. Hiking, jogging, climbing, paddleboarding, and rowing are all great activities that will force you to be outdoors.

2.) Stay Away from Prescription Drugs if You’re Able

Many physicians and pharmaceutical companies may or may not be in cahoots peddling prescription drugs, so it’s important that you pursue pain relief and personal optimization the all-natural way.

3.) Visit Your Local Chiropractor in Ramsey, NJ

Chiropractic care offers an all-natural drug-free solution to paients suffering from back, neck, and leg pain, not to mention headaches, insomnia, sciatica, fibromyalgia, and a host of additional health conditions. Contact Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center today to schedule a consultaiton to see for yourself.

Chiropractic Care for Seniors


It is a common misconception that chiropractic care is only for the young and athletic. The truth is, there are a number of amazing benefits chiropractic care can offer seniors. Unfortunately, many seniors are unaware of these benefits.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Seniors

There are a wide number of benefits and advantages available to seniors through chiropractic care, such as: 

  • pain relief
  • increased range of motion
  • increased balance and coordination
  • decreased joint degeneration
  • increased health and well being
  • decreased incidence of falling
  • keeping seniors out of nursing homes

Medical Research Supports the Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Seniors

Aches and pains don’t have to be a part of growing older. There is no need for seniors to suffer needlessly. Chiropractic provides amazing benefits and has an outstanding record of safety and effectiveness.

Consider these findings of recent medical research:

  1. Seniors who used chiropractic care were more likely to engage in regular exercise.
  2. 44% of those who used chiropractic care reported having arthritis compared with 66% in the non-chiropractic care group
  3. At three years follow-up, less than 5% of those who used chiropractic care lived in a nursing home compared to a staggering 48% of those who did not use chiropractic care.

If there is a special senior in your life that is struggling with pain, discomfort, immobility or other issues inhibiting their mobility and active lifestyle, then it may be time to consider regular chiropractic care.

Contact Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center today to schedule your consultation.