Chiropractic for Senior Citizens

As we advance in age, it makes sense to have a wellness protocol in place designed to deal with the overall wear and tear that one experiences over the course of their lifespan. Below, Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center goes over a few ways that our treatments benefit those who are more advanced in age.

Joint and Muscle Pain Relief

As those old injuries begin to sneak up on us again, it’s a good idea to give your body the gift of chiropractic treatment, which provides drug-free pain relief, not to mention joint, back, and neck pain relief.

Promotes a Better Night of Sleep

Chiropractic adjustments help patients achieve more restful sleep by relaxing the body and diminishing anxiety and depression.

Helps with a Variety of Age-Related Health Conditions

Whether you have arthritis, osteoporosis, or just a simple case of morning stiffness, Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center can help. Contact us today to learn more about how our treatments benefit our senior patients.

How to Have a Productive MLK Day Weekend

It’s an unfortunate thing that many of us resign ourselves to doing nothing over a 3-day weekend, perhaps because it is widely believed that relaxation is the best way to recover from a workweek. When you remain active over the weekends you’ll actually find that you have more energy throughout the week. Below, Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center goes over a few ways to stay active over MLK Day weekend.

Play a Team Sport

Get your friends together to play a sport of some sort (softball, basketball, football, the list goes on), which will force you to get outdoors, exercise, and even connect with friends.

Engage in Active Recovery

Instead of sitting on the couch all day, go for a hike or take a yoga class, which counts as being active and is also low impact and easy on the body. That way you can cross off two boxes: being active; and practicing self-care.

Visit the Chiropractor

When you visit the chiropractor you are doing your entire body a fantastic service. Our treatments pair up with a healthy lifestyle incredibly well. To learn more about how chiropractic treatment can fit nicely into your active lifestyle, contact Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center today.

5 Great Habits to Gain in 2020


As we approach this new year, many of us might have goals related to our health and wellness, not to mention our careers, families, and everything in between. Below, Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center goes over a few healthy habits that you should consider building this year, which will set the tone for a happy and healthy year for you.

1.) Wake up 1 Hour Earlier Each Day

Waking up 1 hour earlier might seem daunting at first, but you’ll get used to it and grow to appreciate it. You’ll be able to get a good run in, meditate, cook a good breakfast, or stick to whatever morning ritual you’d like to create. It’s a better way to start each day.

2.) Be a Helper

Start helping people around you and you’ll find that the good cheer is contagious. What else are we here to do but help take care of each other?

3.) Eat Clean, Whole Foods

Try to eat clean, whole foods — and plenty of veggies, too. If there’s ever a choice between eating junk or fasting, go with fasting. Stop putting stuff in your body that doesn’t serve you.

4.) Drink Half Your Body Weight in Ounces of Water Each Day

Staying hydrated will help set the tone for feeling great throughout the day. You’d be surprised how much dehydration can drag you down.

5.) Practice Self-Care

Practicing self-care is hugely important, which means participating in active recovery on your off days, perhaps building a yoga practice, and especially coming out to Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center for a chiropractic adjustment. Contact us today to learn more about who we are and what we do.