Week 3 COVID-19 Primer

If you’ve been avoiding the news, you’re not alone. Many folks out there are tired of the constant barrage of media input and silencing their devices in favor of getting the most out of this time. However, it’s still crucial to stay informed about any COVID-19 and social distancing updates, which are happening pretty much every day.

As week 3 gets underway of this new way of life, we’re being told by health professionals and experts to take this very seriously, and the CDC projected that 100,000 people in the United States could potentially die from this serious disease.

Shelter in place regulations are now said to be in effect through the month of April, much longer than the 2-week initial window we were given, which many people already identified as wishful thinking from the start.

So, we’re all settling into this stay-at-home transition.

Stay busy by exercising, getting work done around the house, or possibly building a new remote side business — there are many opportunities out there right now.

Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center is here to provide essential treatments to our patients who still need them. We’re taking every measure to keep our facility clean and safe for our patients as well as do our part in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Contact us today to learn more.

Exercising During Quarantine

As we finish up week 2 of self-quarantine, millions of Americans are looking for ways to get their workouts in at home. Below, Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center goes over a few ideas that will help you get your sweat on while still owning up to your civic responsibilities.

Cardio at Home

Run in place, do jumping jacks, or break out the jump rope during this time of sheltering in place. You might be able to steal away for a run here and there, but make sure it’s during low traffic times — 5 am is a good time to run; so is 8 pm.

Get Some Kettlebells

Investing in some kettlebells will help you diversify your home workout routine and open up some amazing opportunities for working out your core muscle groups. There are plenty of workout videos on YouTube for you to gain inspiration from.

Pull-Ups and Dips

Invest in a pull-up bar — there are many options that can hang from a sturdy doorway. You can also do dips at home with one or two chairs. This way you can get your upper body workout.

Make sure to do plenty of bodyweight exercises as well, like lunges and body squats, in order to make sure that you’re not skipping leg day over there.

Contact Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center today to learn more about how our treatments can boost your immune system and help your body function at optimum capacity.

Setting Up Your Home Office for Remote Work the Ergonomic Way


If you’re making the transition to working remotely from home, you’re not alone. Right now at this very moment millions of Americans are taking the workplace home with them and setting up for a long season of self-induced isolation. Even though we’re all working together to make a difference in preventing the spread of COVID-19, we need to make healthy choices for ourselves to get the most out of this situation and to ensure your productivity doesn’t take a dive now that you’re working from home.

First, make sure your desk is set up with your spine in mind. Standing desk converters are useful products that will help you get away from sitting in an office chair for 8 hours a day. Standing while doing work will help you take the pressure off your spine and also happens to burn more than a few more calories than sitting.

Many accessories are available that will help you achieve ergonomic excellence, like footpads made of special gels and materials that massage your feet or provide you with support.

Make sure that your monitor is at an angle so that you are slightly looking upward and straight forward, which will help you reduce neck strain.

Investing in a high-quality office chair that gives you proper spine support is also a good idea, which will save you a lot of money in the long run in medical bills.

Chiropractic treatment is a great way to give your body a tune-up when you’re feeling the tension from your new remote work setup. Contact Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center today to learn more about how our treatments can get the best out of you as you get the most out of this unfortunate situation. We’re here to help if you need anything.

Healthy Practices for Preventing the Spread of Germs


As we watch situations progress with illnesses like The Coronavirus, it’s important for all of us to do our individual parts in preventing the spread of sickness and germs. There are more than a few daily practices that we’ll mention below in order to raise awareness and boost your health and wellness in the process.

Limiting Exposure

Try to stay away from public restrooms and public transportation, if you’re afforded that luxury. Keeping the surfaces of your home, your mode of transportation, and your workspace clean will go a long way in preventing you from getting ill.

Eat Well and Hydrate

Eat lots of fruits and veggies for crucial vitamins and minerals you simply cannot get from other forms of food. Drinking half your body weight in ounces of water per day will ensure that your body operates at optimum capacity.

Pursue Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to seriously boost the immune system and the GI system, both of which are crucial in keeping you healthy and well. Exploring our treatments at Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center will help you fight off infection and illnesses the all-natural, drug-free way.

Remember to also wash your hands and avoid excessive contact with others during this trying time. We all have to look out for each other, after all. Contact Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center today if you have any additional questions.