Incorporating Yoga into Yoga Daily Grind

Yoga is an excellent companion to chiropractic care when it comes to relieving your back, neck, spine, legs, and even your mind from the daily/weekly grind.

But, the truth is, the busier we get, the more taking care of ourselves seems to get put on the backburner. The sad reality is that by neglecting our own wellness, we’re actually being less effective at work and even in our extracurricular activities. Below are a few quick, easy ways you can incorporate yoga into your daily routine.

Work Yoga

If you’re sitting at a desk or even standing for long periods at work, take a time out to stretch. If you know some yoga moves, this is the perfect time to incorporate them, relieving the body of being in uncomfortable positions that put strain on your neck, back, hips, and legs.

Spring for a Yoga Class

If you can pony together the funds, try to take a yoga class if even for a short period of time, this way you can establish your base knowledge and do your yoga practice more effectively on your own.

Yoga as Active Recovery

We may think that we have a free pass on days off to do absolutely nothing, and, although we might feel justified, it’s actually a better idea to be a little bit active on your recovery days, by taking a hike or doing some yoga, for instance. You’ll still be giving your body its much-needed rest while also crossing off one of your boxes, so to speak.

If you have any questions about how you can incorporate yoga and chiropractic care into even the busiest schedule, contact Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center center today to learn more.

The 3 “Cs” of Quality Chiropractic Care

We offer the latest services in chiropractic techniques

A quality chiropractic care practice should be excellent in a variety of categories, not simply just excellent at the services and treatments they provide. It is a chiropractor’s duty to provide an atmosphere where their patients can feel looked after and cared for.

Below are the 3 “Cs” of quality chiropractic care and should be used as a benchmark when you’re selecting the best chiropractor for you.

1.) Compassionate Care

Your chiropractor should have an idea what it’s like to live with pain. Many have had injuries they’ve had to rehabilitate from themselves. Basically, you’ll want to select a chiropractic care specialist who is going to treat you like a member of their own family.

2.) Cutting-Edge Treatments

Your chiropractor should be well-versed in the latest treatment methods and should also pay attention to additional health and wellness developments in categories like diet, exercise, recovery, rehabilitation, and more.

3.) Clear Results

Your chiropractic treatments should be showing you improvements in pain relief as well as in your general wellness. If it didn’t work, it would not be the enduring medical treatment and drug-free alternative to medication and surgery that it is today.

If you have any questions about how chiropractic care can benefit your life on a daily basis, contact Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center today.

How to Achieve More Restful Sleep


Achieving more restful sleep can be easier said than done in today’s “grind” culture. Many of us resort to caffeine to fuel our day, some of us drinking coffee or energy drinks throughout the day, which can interrupt our sleep cycles like nobody’s business.

Below Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center goes over a few ways you can achieve more restful sleep, which will increase your productivity and your quality of life!

1.) Visit Your Chiropractor

Did you know that chiropractic adjustments can help you achieve a more restful night’s sleep? There are not many things in this world more soothing and relaxing than a visit with your chiropractor in Ridgewood, NJ. Chiropractic can help relax and calm you, reduce your overall anxiety, and improve cognitive function.

2.) Stay Active

A big part of why some of us can’t get a good night of sleep is that we still have excess energy to burn at the end of the day. Want to know the antidote for that? Rigorous exercise! You’ll be surprised and delighted how good you sleep after pushing your body to exertion.

3.) Do Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation (both of which often go hand-in-hand) are both great ways to increase relaxation and help you achieve better sleep.

If you have any additional questions about the ways you can improve your sleep through chiropractic treatments, contact Family Chiropractic Spinal Care Center for your consultation today.

4 Foods and Beverages You Should Cut Out of Your Diet


At Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center we like to often tell our patients about foods they can eat that will boost their health and overall wellness, which will help their bodies stay in tip-top shape and avoid injury, but we also like to take the time to remind our patients about the foods they should avoid in order to optimize their health and wellness.

Below are a few foods you should cut out of your diet if you’re looking to stay fit and be well.

1.) Candy / Processed Sugar

Try to stay away from sugary foods and candies at all cost. Opt for dark chocoloate when you need something sweet. Eat fruits, which are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, in many cases.

2.) Alcohol

Cutting out alcohol will boost your health and your bank account. Think of how much time you’ve wasted at bars and drinking maybe a few too many adult beverages. It’s not often that amazing things come out of drinking alcohol.

3.) Breads / Processed Carbs

If you’re eating a bagel every morning (which doesn’t add much nutritional value to your day), instead opt for a clean protein, some type of vegetable, and maybe opt for a sweet potato if you need carbohydrates.

4.) Sodas

Sugary sodas are bad for your health, bad for your teeth, and don’t add any nutritional value to your diet. Opt for more nutritional option, like natural sodas.

If you have any questions about how your diet can boost your wellness, contact Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center today.

4 Ways to Engage in Active Recovery


In this day and age many of us engage in super active lifestyles on top of working a 40+ hour week. In such cases it might seem like it’s a good idea to take one full day off and do nothing. However, that one day off you take is actually a perfect opportunity to stay active while giving your body a rest from the abuse you’ve been putting it through all week. Below are a few ways to engage in active recovery, which will help you be more productive and experience new levels of wellness. 1.) Do Yoga Yoga is a great way to engage your body while also stretching out your muscles and giving your joints some much-needed TLC. 2.) Go on a Hike If you run, maybe taking a day off can mean going up to the mountains and going on a 5-mile hike. You’ll still feel the burn without pushing yourself to exertion. It will still count as a day off! 3.) Paddleboarding Paddleboarding is actually a fantastic way to engage your core while at the same time enjoying nature. Runners, athletes, and martial artists can all count a day of paddleboarding as a day off. 4.) See Your Local Chiropractor Seeing your local chirorpactic care specialist is a great way to engage in active recovery on your day off. If you have any questions about how you can boost your wellness the drug-free, all natural way, contact Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center today.