Finding the Release You Need with Massage Therapy

Massage is a powerful tool in your wellness arsenal

Even with untrained hands, the hands-on nature of massage has a powerful calming effect. Simply feeling comfortable while being rubbed by another releases endorphins, the brain’s powerful painkilling chemicals which further provide a euphoric effect. Simply rubbing will increase systemic circulation, stimulating the flow of nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. The benefit is clear to see; now imagine the rubbing was by trained hands and specifically targeted to your particular points of pain: massage becomes therapy. At Family Chiropractic & Spinal Health Care Center, we have a trained and certified massage therapist on staff who uses massage to influence powerful changes in your wellbeing. 

Massage as therapy 

At our office, we believe that combining natural modalities gives people the best chance of overcoming back pain. This multi-dimensional approach includes spinal adjustment, decompression, trigger point release and massage. Massage’s role in our treatment program includes:

  • Releasing tension from the musculature, especially the soft tissues that surround and support the spine
  • Alleviating spinal pressure by providing a gentle decompressive effect between the vertebrae
  • Increasing circulation and lymph flow to help your cells repair quicker
  • Boosting flexibility in support of a fuller range of motion and less chance for injury
  • Helping you find more natural energy

Massage therapy for our Ridgewood, NJ community

We believe that everyone in Ridgewood, NJ deserves a massage, especially by our trained hands! If you are interested in finding out more about the role of massage in natural wellness, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today. Our massage staff is standing by to help you target particular points of pain, release tension and feel your best today! 

Spinal Relaxation and Mobility Go Hand in Hand

The best way to mobilize your spine is to relax!

If the tension in your spine has become palpable as of late, it’s time to pay attention. What is most likely happening is not a pretty picture: short, weak muscles; compressed intervertebral discs and stiff spinal joints; consistently poor posture and, to top it all off, back pain. The answer to all this dysfunction is to mobilize your spine, and this week we are highlighting the simplest, yet most profound, exercise you can do to promote spinal mobility. 

It starts by relaxing

Lay down on a yoga mat or carpeted floor and relax by taking deep breaths to encourage enhanced oxygenation. Now imagine that someone or something is pulling your head and feet in opposite directions and let your body stretch and elongate; this encourages spinal elongation and decompression. Do this off and on for 90 seconds. Next tuck your knees up toward your chest and wrap your arms around your legs. In this balled up position, rock gently up and down, increasing the momentum until every part of your back touches the ground during the course of the motion except for your neck. Do this for about 2 minutes. 

Spinal elongation and relaxation support spinal mobility

This stretch is invaluable for people looking to increase their spinal health on a daily basis. The elongation provides a decompression effect which is therapeutic to body and mind. This stretch is part of a holistic approach to back care that defines everything we do at Family Chiropractor NJ. If you are interested in finding out more, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today. 

The Truth About Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness


Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

DOMS, as it is affectionately known, is important to keep an eye on. While it can be a normal indicator of a good workout, it can also be an alarm bell for muscle damage. Depending on the severity of the muscle soreness you feel after your exercise, you may need to take more action than just rest and ice. The truth is that muscle building relies on creating micro-tears in the muscles that are then repaired during the resting phase by a natural bodily process. But when pain proceeds past the point of soreness and aching and into the realm of inflammation, weakness and tingling, you need to take note. This blog is designed to help you figure out when you need to worry. 

What to do about DOMS

The more extreme end of DOMS, when muscles become inflamed, painful, weak and swollen is something most athletes want to avoid. That is because it takes the longest time to heal which translates to more time out of the gym or off the playing field. In the most extreme cases, you can even cause permanent muscle damage. So the first step to preventing DOMS is to start gradually and scale up with your exercises; in other words, don’t damage them so acutely in the first place. Warm-ups, which get your muscles in a conducive state to exercise, should never be skipped. 

However, if you are suffering from abnormal muscle pain after an exercise, be sure to take action. Here are signs that your muscle pain is abnormal:

  • Pain that scales up 
  • Pain that persists 
  • Pain on one side
  • Weakness, numbness, tingling

If your muscle pain feels abnormal or does not go away, be sure to give our office a call to schedule an appointment. We are experts in diagnosing and treating muscle dysfunction and injury. We can help you determine how it occurred and the extent to which it is damaged and set a course for treatment that includes soft tissue therapy, restorative exercise and stretching.